Remeber march 13th 2020? We had this thing called a "LAN" and then 4 days later Oregon went into lockdown. That was super cool.
Well now the world is a different place, and I live in a new place. Before I moved in I made sure that every room in the house would have 1 or 2 10gbit ethernet ports.
They've been going unused and it's really causing me mental distress.
That's why I am asking you to do me a solid and please come fill my ports.
MARCH 3, the year of our lord 2023, we shall LAN again!
After bargaining my bodily autonomy I have made an arrangement for her to take the baby to her sisters so we can have a night of caffeine, pizza, use maps, spy murders, sniping, cursing, cubes, gun games, and who knows what else.
a> I will send out a google calendar link with the address if you don't know it
b> this is the public internet and I don't trust it so text me if you want the address for my house
Anyhow, we are having a LAN, and you should come. If you need network password, feel free to ask Gmos.
If you need help with a computer please let me know ASAP